Word Processors for Linux you didn’t know existed


Ted is a word processor for the X Window System environment, which runs on Linux and other Unix-like systems. Developed primarily by Mark de Does, Ted is a lightweight yet full-featured word processor.

It saves files in a Microsoft Word-compatible rich text format and has support for headers, footers, tables, different fonts, text alignment, and other features common in word processors. Ted has been translated into several languages.

While the program includes a spell checker, it does not check for spelling as the user types. It is a very light-weight and fast word processor, making it ideal for older computers and embedded systems.

Until version 2.17 Ted used the Motif toolkit for widget rendering and compiled and ran fine when compiled with LessTif. The current version (2.23) uses the GTK+ toolkit.

Ted is Free Software licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).


EZ Word

EZ Word was a word processor developed as part of the Andrew User Interface System, a user-interface research project jointly done by both IBM and the Carnegie Mellon University. Originally developed for UNIX systems, it was the first graphical word processor available for Linux.

Many people found the user interface quirky and difficult to learn. The program never really caught on, and the Andrew project stopped developing software in 1997. The last version of the AUIS suite, version 8.0, was never fully debugged, but is free software available under a BSD free software license.



Ichitaro (一太郎 ichitarō?) is a Japanese word processor produced by JustSystems, a Japanese software company. Ichitaro occupies the second share in Japanese word-processing software, behind Microsoft Word. It is one of the main products of the company. Its proprietary file extension is “.JTD”. ATOK, an IME developed by JustSystems, is bundled with Ichitaro.



Hangul (also known as Hangul Word Processor or HWP) is a proprietary word processing application published by the South Korean company Hancom Inc.. It is used extensively in South Korea, especially by the government.

Hangul’s support for the special needs of the Korean written language has gained it widespread use in South Korea. Microsoft Word and Hangul are used alongside each other in many South Korean companies.

The software’s name is derived from the Korean word Hangul (Korean: 한글, hangeul) for the alphabet used to write Korean.

Haansoft was on the verge of bankruptcy after the release of its 2002 version, due to the widespread use of illegal copies. A campaign to support the development of Korean software and promote the purchase of legal copies of Hangul allowed Haansoft to recover.[1]

Hangul saves documents in HWP format, with the filename extension *.hwp. HWP files, up to the versions created with Hangul ’97, can be opened with OpenOffice or LibreOffice. However, files created with later editions of Hangul, including Hangul Wordian, Hangul 2002, Hangul 2005 and Hangul 2007 cannot be opened with OpenOffice or LibreOffice, due to the major changes in the document structure. These later versions of Hangul do not provide support for opening and saving of files in Microsoft Word format, but users are not necessarily aware of this. Consequently, Korean Hangul users may often send files to non-Koreans in .hwp format, not realizing the recipient will be unable to open such files.[2]

Recent versions also provide an English user interface depending on the location setting of the user’s environment.

Hangul will support reading and writing of Office Open XML and OpenDocument files in its next version for Windows, which will be published in the end of 2009.[3] HWP binary format specification has been published online free by Hancom on June 29, 2010.


I’m going Indiana LinuxFest are you?

ilf banner

Indiana LinuxFest is a conference put on by The Indiana F/oss Society, and being a Hoosier myself I really can’t miss it.

ILF is about community, information, and friends. They strive to bring the F/OSS Community together for more than just information gathering, they want a place for people to network, communicate, and have a good time.

They already have a opening keynote speaker Tarus Balog of OpenNMS.org and OpenNMS.com. His talk will be called Why We Can’t All Get Along (And Why This Is A Good Thing) here is a small synopsis:

The open source world covers a huge spectrum of people and ideas. On one side you have free software advocates who push for freedom in all software, and on the other side you have commercial business entities who see open source as something to exploit. Most of us live somewhere in the middle.

While critics of open source might view this as a failing, this talk will discuss how our cliques, cowboys, factions, zealots and even those that would take advantage of us all work to advance our software projects, and why this method is ultimately better than a monolithic, closed environment.

For those of you who don’t know who Tarus is here is a brief bio about him.


Tarus Balog has been involved in managing communications networks professionally since 1988, and unprofessionally since 1978 when he got his first computer – a TRS-80 from Radio Shack. Having worked as a network management consultant for many years, he was constantly frustrated in the lack of flexibility involved in commercial solutions such as OpenView and Tivoli, as well as shocked by their high prices. Looking for a better solution, he turned to open source and joined the OpenNMS project in 2001 and become the principal administrator of the project in 2002. Since then he has managed not only to make a living working with free software, but the OpenNMS Group, the services company behind the project, has thrived, and currently has over 150 customers in 24 countries.

Going on Record Against the Fedora Board’s SQLninja Decision.

I think this is a stupid decision[1]. By the boards reasoning we shouldn’t package apache either, what if someone uses a server with fedora on it to serve child porn? What’s next are we gonna remove wireshark and etherape? What about Firefox, you can hack into things with a webbrowser?!? What about the security labs spin? This harmful to the community and to computer security in general. I hope the board reconsiders their position.

[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:Board_meeting_2010-11-08

How to be a successful contributor

Mike McGrath & co. drafted a nice doc titled “How to be a successful contributor” it should help set expectations of and for new contributors. I’ve pasted the first version I have seen but you should go to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_be_a_successful_contributor to see newer versions…

How to be a successful contributor
From FedoraProject


* 1 Audience for this document
* 2 Things to know before you join
o 2.1 Time commitment
o 2.2 Get permission from work
* 3 Joining
o 3.1 Observation
o 3.2 Pick what you want to work on
* 4 Don’t jump into the deep end
o 4.1 First contact
o 4.2 Find a mentor or sponsor
* 5 Contributing
o 5.1 Look for work
o 5.2 Quitting

Audience for this document

This document is targeted at people interested in contributing to the Fedora Project. In the Fedora Project, students, professionals and hobbyists all come together to produce software, marketing materials, art, documentation, etc. We all started as new volunteers at some point. The items below are designed to help you through the process of joining a team. It helps you know what we expect of you and what you can expect of us.
Things to know before you join

Everyone who joins a free software project does so with the best intentions of staying. However, few stay to become regular contributors, and fewer still become leaders within the project. The biggest difference between those that stay and those that leave is commitment and time.
Time commitment

Some volunteers may spend 15-30 hours per week contributing, doing that while holding down a proper day job is a difficult time management skill. As a volunteer, you should ask yourself whether you can devote 2-4 hours per week, even though it’s less than an hour per day. 4 hours a week for most people is an entire afternoon one day. That’s a significant chunk of time.
Get permission from work

There is a mutually beneficial relationship between working for a living and volunteering. Many contributors will find their skill sets at work increase dramatically just by having access to and learning from another environment. This benefits employer and worker. It is completely worthwhile to sit down with an employer or manager and ask for permission to contribute during work hours, even if it’s only a couple of hours on a Friday afternoon. Explain the benefits to you and your employer.

If they say no, then you’ll have to volunteer in your own time.

The single biggest mistake most new contributors make is showing up “just wanting to contribute.” It’s important to take the time to observe the team (refer to the section below) and see how their work aligns with your own skills and personality. Know that getting work to do on day one is very rare, and those who are highly skilled in a specific technology will still have to take the time to get to know an environment before access is granted.

For example, if you’re a database expert it is very unlikely you’ll be given access to databases (where personal info, passwords, etc) are stored within your first several weeks of volunteering. If you’re looking to become an ambassador, it is unlikely you’ll get marketing materials shipped to you in your first week. This may seem unfortunate, but it’s necessary to keep the project members working well together. The same can be said about any major changes, like a complete redesign of a system or a new look and feel for a website. Don’t get discouraged. Show up as often as you can, and get to know the team.

It is important to get to know the organization and teams you are looking to work with before you try to join them. Learn what they do and how they do it, and try to get to know the people involved. It is extremely unlikely you will be able to actually contribute from day one. In organizations with hundreds or thousands of people working together, understanding how things work is critical.

Don’t be shy about asking questions and getting to know people. Plan to spend several days or even weeks attending meetings, emailing on mailing lists and hanging out on IRC before you get to do any actual work. Offer suggestions on topics being discussed, and share any experiences (good or bad) you’ve had that is relevant to the discussion.

Part of observing and making constructive suggestions may require withholding judgement. When making suggestions, don’t assume you come with all of the answers or that the Fedora Project is doing it all wrong. There is a good chance we can improve the way we are doing things, however most of our current practices were developed over long periods of time after lengthy discussion. Your criticism may be better received once you have established yourself in the community and are perceived as understanding our culture.
Pick what you want to work on

It’s your job to decide what you want to work on. Pick something that’s important to you and something you have passion for. You’ll see this advice repeated several times in this document: Don’t just show up looking to have work assigned to you. Get to know the teams and procedures they have in place. Ask questions and really get to know what you’re going to be working on _before_ trying to work on it.
Don’t jump into the deep end

When picking something to work on, don’t be the sole person to take on a huge task as your first contribution. Picking a task that’s too large signifcantly raises the chances of failure. Also don’t pick several things on several teams to work on. Start small, picking at most one or two things, and grow from there. The key is slow, steady, and sustainable growth. Don’t join with the immediate goal of becoming the next leader of the project. Start small.
First contact

After you’ve decided what you’re looking to do and what team you are looking to do it with, it’s time to send an introduction to the list. When sending an introduction (usually by mail list), include the following information:

* Name
* Time Zone / Country
* Basic skills and experiences
* Why you’re joining
* What you’re looking to do (be specific)
* How much time you can contribute (usually hours per week)

If any of the above questions are not clearly answered, don’t send the email yet. You’re not ready. Remember, be specific about what type of work you’re looking to do. Saying “Whatever needs to get done” isn’t helping anyone. Saying “I’d like to help document system A,” “I’d like to translate software for my native language,” or “I noticed this webapp is particularly slow sometimes and I’d like to help fix that” is perfect.
Find a mentor or sponsor

This step is both incredibly difficult and important. Finding a proper sponsor will increase your chances of being a successful contrubitor significantly. Sometimes it’s absolutely required. A sponsor will help with training, introductions and teaching new contributors how a team works.

Most teams have mailing lists. Email the list, say you’re looking for a sponsor, and explain what you are wanting to do. If you haven’t heard back in a few days, reply saying that you are still looking. Keep doing this. Most sponsors are people that have been in the project for a long time, and are often very busy.

They don’t mean to be rude and don’t want to send the impression they don’t want new contributors. It’s just that at the moment, some people will assume other people will take care of you and so for the moment, no one does. This is a common problem — in real life as well as in online communities — and a difficult one to fix. But sticking to it and continuing to ask for help without being annoying will show that you are serious and ready to contribute. Don’t send this kind of message more than once every couple of days, but be positive, and persistent if needed.

Once you’ve got something to work on, it’s time to actually do work. The first several tasks you will work on will likely be small or maybe mundane. Do them consistently, conscientiously and well. This will raise the level of trust you have from the other team members.

As with other volunteer organizations, there are high turnover rates in the free software universe. Training volunteers is time consuming, especially for more complex tasks, and requires a commitment from currently busy volunteers. Spending days or weeks training someone only for them to vanish can be disheartening for mentors and sponsors. By giving out small tasks that have been hanging around, a sponsor can help you take small but vital steps, and learn whether or not the work you’re going to be doing is really for you.
Look for work

If you have access to a repository, system, or content, consider yourself a partial owner. This doesn’t mean you should immediately re-design everything. Remember that other owners have time and effort invested in the current material as well. It does mean, though, that you should take pride in the work you are doing. If you see something not quite right, do research on it and notify the list. Seek work out, keep yourself busy and help others.

If volunteering isn’t for you, that’s OK. You don’t need to be embarrassed that you can’t contribute further. Contributors will not make you feel bad about it either. Realize that lots of contributors come and go every day. Being busy with your day job or not having enough free time is a perfectly valid reason for not being able to contribute. It’s even possible that you might not feel a good fit with the team or organization. You’re entitled to offer help as a volunteer how you want and when you want.

First and foremost, though, don’t just vanish. When a contributor or potential contributor agrees to do work, can’t follow through for a valid reason, and vanishes, the team may not know the work can be reassigned. In some cases, people in the team may even worry about the contributor’s health or well being.

When you’ve decided it’s time for you to go or take a break, let your sponsor or the list know and let them know what you were working on. Having people think you are working on something when you aren’t slows the team down, and ultimately doesn’t benefit you or the team.

Announce: OLPC software strategy

Chris Ball posted this to an OLPC announce mailinglist and I thought I would share with you all.

Now that the 10.1.1 release for XO-1.5 is out, it’s a good time to
talk about OLPC’s software strategy for the future. We’ve got a few
announcements to make:


OLPC wasn’t planning to make a Fedora 11 release of the XO-1 OS, but
a group of volunteers including Steven Parrish, Bernie Innocenti,
Paraguay Educa and Daniel Drake stepped up and produced Fedora 11 XO-1
builds that follow the OLPC 10.1.1 work. I’m happy to announce that
we’re planning on releasing an OLPC-signed version of that work, and
that this release will happen alongside the next XO-1.5 point release
in the coming weeks. So, OLPC release 10.1.2 will be available for
both XO-1 and XO-1.5 at the same time, and will contain Sugar 0.84,
GNOME 2.26 and Fedora 11. We think that offering this fully
interoperable software stack between XO-1 and XO-1.5 laptops will
greatly aid deployments, and we’re very thankful to everyone who has
enabled us to be able to turn this XO-1 work into a supported release!

To prepare for this XO-1 release, we’ve started working on fixing
some of the remaining bugs in the community F11/XO-1 builds. Paul Fox
recently solved a problem with suspend/resume and wifi in the F11/XO-1
kernel, which was the largest blocker for a supported release. We’ll
continue to work on the remaining bugs, particularly the ones that
OLPC is uniquely positioned to help with.

The first development builds for this release will be published later
this week.


We’ll be continuing to work on XO-1.5 improvements, incorporating
fixes to the “Known Problems” section of the 10.1.1 release notes¹
into the 10.1.2 release.

XO-1.75 and beyond:

XO-1.75 software development is underway. Today we’re announcing
that we’re planning on using Fedora as the base distribution for the
XO-1.75. This wasn’t an obvious decision — ARM is not a release
architecture in Fedora, and so we’re committing to help out with that
port. Our reasons for choosing Fedora even though ARM work is needed
were that we don’t want to force our deployments to learn a new
distribution and re-write any customizations they’ve written, we want
to reuse the packaging work that’s already been done in Fedora for
OLPC and Sugar packages, and we want to continue our collaboration
with the Fedora community who we’re getting to know and work with

We’ve started to help with Fedora ARM by adding five new build
machines (lent to OLPC by Marvell; thanks!) to the Fedora ARM koji
build farm, and we have Fedora 12 and Sugar 0.86 running on early 1.75
development boards. We’d prefer to use Fedora 13 for the XO-1.75, but
it hasn’t been built for ARM yet — if anyone’s interested in helping
out with this or other Fedora ARM work, please check out the Fedora
ARM page on the Fedora Wiki². We’re also interested in hiring ARM and
Fedora developers to help with this; if you’re interested in learning
more, please send an e-mail to jobs-engineering at laptop.org.

We’ll also be continuing to use Open Firmware on the XO-1.75, and
Mitch Bradley has an ARM port of OFW running on our development boards

EC-1.75 open source EC code:

OLPC is proud to announce that the XO-1.75 embedded controller will
have an open codebase (with a small exception, see below). After much
behind-the-scenes effort, EnE has agreed to provide us with a public
version of the KB3930 datasheet and is allowing our new code to be
made public.

The code is not available yet due to a few chunks of proprietary code
that need to be purged and some other reformatting. A much more
detailed announcement will be provided once the new code is pushed to
a public repository. The code will be licensed under the GPL with a
special exception for OLPC use.

The exception is because EnE has not released the low-level details on
the PS/2 interface in the KB3930, so there will be some code that is
not available — relative to the codebase this is a very small amount
of code. The GPL licensing exception will allow for linking against
this closed code. We’re going to investigate ways to move away from
this code in the future. (As far as we’re aware, this will make the
XO-1.75 the first laptop with open embedded controller code!)

Multi-touch Sugar:

We’ve begun working on modifications to Sugar to enable touchscreen
and multitouch use (the XO-1.75 will have a touchscreen, as will
future OLPC tablets based on its design), and we’ll continue to do so.
The first outcome from this work is Sayamindu Dasgupta’s port of the
Meego Virtual Keyboard³ to Sugar — you can see a screencast of it in
action here⁴.

It’s an exciting time for software development at OLPC. Many thanks
for all of your support and efforts!

– Chris, on behalf of the OLPC Engineering team.

¹: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Release_notes/10.1.1
²: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM
³: http://gitorious.org/fvkbd
⁴: http://dev.laptop.org/~sayamindu/sugar_vkbd_multi.ogv

Chris Ball
One Laptop Per Child

Fosscon: In over my head, need help

A little while back we were offered a booth at Fosscon. None of the local Ambassadors were able to work the booth because they were the ones putting the con on. So I stepped up and took ownership of the event… not fully understanding what owning an event really meant. So as we can all guess I have failed in the most epic way.

I took on an event that had very little discussion going on around it, then when the chatter didn’t improve I assumed that there was no interest and that I was ignored and it was a dead issue. I WAS SO WRONG.

So here is the deal, I do not have the skills required to pull this of, so unless someone takes up this cause it is gonna finally going to be shelved.

If you are interested hop into #fedora-ambassadors on freenode or send your emails to the ambassadors list NOW!

Cooperative Bug Isolation for Fedora 13

The Cooperative Bug Isolation Project (CBI) is now available for Fedora
13. CBI (http://www.cs.wisc.edu/cbi/) is an ongoing research effort to
find and fix bugs in the real world. We distribute specially modified
versions of popular open source software packages. These special
versions monitor their own behaviour while they run, and report back how
they work (or how they fail to work) in the hands of real users like
you. Even if you’ve never written a line of code in your life, you can
help make things better for everyone simply by using our special
bug-hunting packages.

We currently offer instrumented versions of Evolution, The GIMP, GNOME
Panel, Gnumeric, Liferea, Nautilus, Pidgin, Rhythmbox, and SPIM.
Download at <http://www.cs.wisc.edu/cbi/downloads/>. We support
PackageManager, yum, apt, and many other RPM updater tools; see
<http://www.cs.wisc.edu/cbi/downloads/repo-config.html> for customized
configuration help for any of our supported distributions and updater
tools. Or just download and install
to automatically configure most popular RPM updaters to use the CBI

It’s that easy! Tell your friends! Tell your neighbours! The more of
you there are, the more bugs we can find.

We still offer CBI packages for earlier releases as well, going all the
way back to Fedora 1. When and if you decide to upgrade to Fedora 13,
we’ll be ready for you. Until then, your participation remains valuable
even on older distributions.

Via Dr. Ben, the CBI guy

Fedora Board and FESCo Election results

The Fedora elections for the Fedora Project Board and the Fedora
Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo) have concluded, and the results

The Board is electing 3 seats this cycle. A total of 229 ballots were
cast, meaning a candidate could accumulate up to 1374 votes (229 * 6).
The results for the Fedora Board election are as follows:

name | # votes
– ————————–+—————————–
Tom Callaway (spot) | 1001
Máirín Duffy (mizmo) | 978
Rex Dieter (rdieter) | 772
– ————————–+—————————–
Stephen Smoogen (smooge) | 559
John McDonough (jjmcd) | 437
Larry Cafiero (lcafiero) | 430

Therefore, Tom Callaway, Máirín Duffy, and Rex Dieter are elected to
the Board for a full two-release term.

* * *

FESCo is electing 5 seats this cycle. A total of 180 ballots were
cast, meaning a candidate could accumulate up to 1260 votes (180 *
7). The results for the FESCo election are as follows:

name | # votes
– ——————————+———————————–
Bill Nottingham (notting) | 937
Kevin Fenzi (kevin) | 749
Matthias Clasen (mclasen) | 681
Kyle McMartin (kyle) | 545
Steven M. Parrish (tuxbrewr) | 516
– ——————————+————————————
Bruno Wolff III (bruno) | 492
Justin M. Forbes (jforbes) | 460

Therefore, Bill Nottingham, Kevin Fenzi, Matthias Clasen, Kyle
McMartin, and Steven M. Parrish are elected to FESCo for a full
two-release term.

* * *

Congratulations to the winning candidates, and thank you to each of
the nominees for running, and our volunteers and team members for
their assistance.

FADNA 2010 Day 1

Day 1 was good, no money discussion (thankfully) and we had some great successes and a failure that taught us a valuable lesson. We broke off into two groups and tackled two separate issues both concerning outreach. The success was a new cd/dvd case that I wont spill the beans about now, but let’s just say I’m very excited. The failure was we tried to come up with a speech/sides that someone throwing a F13 release party could use if they weren’t strong public speakers. The target audience was general productivity users. As none of us were this audience we had a bit a trouble. So much trouble that we didn’t finish it… It’s seems that we did a lot for connectivity and not much else because we solved most of the problems before.

AND THEN THE MEAT! We had atleast 10 lbs 40lbs of pork (even after seeing it I can’t believe it). Dennis is the king of the barbie, and John is an awesome host.

FADNA 2010 day 0

[This is still a draft]


For the most part we argued about money. Not we don’t have enough but how to not make Max the first and last say on everything. Max could be attacked by raptors… and we all know raptor attacks are on the rise.

At the hotel bar we came up with an idea but we all decided to sleep on it and see if we still liked it in the morning.